Countdown to Christmas Advent Calendar – FREE pattern

Did you know there are only 99 days until Christmas?! Help countdown the days with this easy to make advent calendar.

From the early nineteenth century, German Protestants began to mark the days of Advent either by burning a candle or marking walls or doors with a line of chalk each day. Nowadays, kids love receiving a surprise each day in December while they countdown to Christmas.

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Making an advent calendar is as simple as sewing numbered squares into a small quilt. Elizabeth Hartman from Sew Mama Sew was wonderful enough to share a pattern and tutorial which makes this project even easier.

Photo from Sew Mama Sew

Use your favorite Christmas themed charm squares to make sturdy slip pockets that hold candy or other surprises! The finished calendar measures approximately 24″ x 36″.

The pattern also includes templates for appliqued numbers to add to the pockets. For more tips on machine applique, you can find Nana’s tutorial here.

Advent Calendar picture shows closeup of applique on pocket
Photo from Sew Mama Sew

To make the Advent Calendar you will need the following supplies:

What kind of surprises will you hide in your pockets?? How much fun is this.

Advent Calendar picture shows pocket full of Christmas chocolates
Photo from Sew Mama Sew

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3 thoughts on “Countdown to Christmas Advent Calendar – FREE pattern

  1. I would love to make this for next Christmas but the link to the pattern isn’t working. Would you be able to send the pattern to me via email please?

    1. Jennifer,
      Unfortunately the pattern for this was not downloadable. It linked directly to a tutorial for the quilt. It seems that this website is not working at this time. I am going to give it a few weeks to see if it comes back and if not, will delete the post and try to find something similar for you. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will keep you updated.
      Nana K.

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