Created in black and white fabric this Farmhouse Star quilt is classic and modern with a touch of retro feel.
This beautiful black and cream quilt featuring an oversized star is sure to gussy up your adorable modern farmhouse in a jiffy!
The free pattern makes a 60 x 60 inch quilt.
The pattern was created using Urban Cottage Fabrics. These fabrics are Modern and timeless, funky and comfortable with shades of black and gray on cream. Oversized prints and wovens work for quilts and home decor. And the collection includes 108″ wide matching backing fabric!

Designed by Moda Fabrics, this quilt would look fabulous in any color!

To make the Farmhouse Star Quilt you will need the following supplies:
- 1 yd of Fabric A (roses) for Background
- 2 yds of Fabric B for (writing) for star
- 2/3 yd each of Fabric C – Fabric D (plaids) for center
- 1/2 yd of Fabric E (stripes) for inner star
- 1/2 yd of Fabric F for binding
- 3 – 1/2 yds of fabric for backing
- 64 inch square of batting
- Coordinating thread

I hope you enjoy creating this gorgeous Farmhouse Star Quilt. Don’t forget to share!!
UPDATE: There is an error in the pattern instructions! When you are making the Crown Units, the diagrams in Instruction #3 are incorrect. The two Half-Square Triangle blocks that include the F-1 pieces should be reversed on the Top, Bottom and both sides. Refer to the Assembly Diagram on Page 5 to see how these units should be put together. Thanks to Dale for finding the error!!

Thank you for a very pretty pattern. I think, however, that your instructions at No. 3 may be incorrect. The points of the “word” star are pointing inward instead of outward in the diagram?
Thank you for pointing this out, however, the pattern was written by Moda fabrics and due to copyright laws, I am not allowed to change them. The important point to make is to watch that your “words” are not upside-down.
Really? It’s on your site. And what if you happen to be using a different fabric selection without “words”? Makes me wonder if this pattern has been tested? It would be a shame to invest in that much fabric only to find the pattern has other errors that also could not be corrected. Too bad because it’s pretty.
Moda Fabrics is a very LARGE fabric company that releases free patterns when they offer a new fabric collection. This pattern is available for download on many quilting sites and can be purchased as a kit in many quilting stores including Fat Quarter Shop and Missouri Star Quilts.
I took a look at the pattern again, and I do see the problem you are referring to. It all has to do with the cutting and assembly of the Half-Square triangles. I believe the diagram in instruction #3 of “Making the Crown units” should have the two F1 pieces reversed. If you love the pattern, I would follow the assembly diagram at the end of the pattern. I will try contacting Moda Fabric to see if they have corrected this as well as add a note to the post. All the reviews I have read in regards to this pattern have been positive so it seems nobody else has noticed!
Thank you for pointing this out.
I bought this star quilt as a kit with the suggested fabrics shown above. My advice is to substitute similar fabrics that are cotton and not stretchy. The checks were very stretchy and difficult to use. Starching made it 1% better. I Had to Heavily quilt the checked fabrics To keep them from distorting. The fabric with the roses and the Striped binding are heavy fabric and made bulky seams. I love the design and the colors and fabric designs. A better choice is to select lighter fabrics that are not stretchy. I use mine as a decorative tablecloth for Halloween and thanksgiving. Quilted without batting using fabric I had for the backing. I should have made it reversible!
Thank you for your comments. The Star Quilt is made from Moda cottons which is a high quality quilting cotton. I am not sure where you purchased your kit from but I definitely recommend using quilting cotton and NOT knits for quilting. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. NANA K
The Moda fabrics I received are the ones shown. The only one that is what I consider a quilting cotton has writing on it. All of the others were either too heavy or too stretchy.
I did some research and found out that this print did come in different product lines – quilting cotton, wovens, cotton slub (heavy for home decor) and cotton towelling. Whomever, you purchased your kit from must have substituted the quilting cotton with another line. More information can be found here.
As this print has been discontinued, my note to others would be to choose your fabrics from the many awesome quilting cottons out there!!
I appreciate your reply. I don’t remember the source of my kid. Obviously they substituted fabric. Thanks.