Kaleidoscope Quilt – FREE pattern

All I can say about this Kaleidoscope Quilt is WOW!

This top is made with half-square triangles, but the layout of these triangles is what creates this wonderful 3-D Kaleidoscope effect. Any quilter with experience in piecing half-square triangles (HST) will enjoy making this gorgeous quilt.

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Designed by Elise Lea for Robert Kaufman fabrics, the finished quilt measures approximately 60 x 60. This pattern was previously published using pretty pastels and has recently been updated using fabrics from the Natural Formations Artisan batik collection.

Kaleidoscope quilt in florals

The Kaleidoscope Quilt would look gorgeous in any batik fabric as well, remembering to keep in mind your light and dark shades that create the depth. The current pattern provides two color combinations but the possibilities are endless.

To make the Kaleidoscope Quilt you will need the following supplies:

  • 1-5/8 yards of background fabric
  • 3/4 yard of dark fabric for triangles and inner border
  • 1-1/3 of medium color fabric for triangles and outer border
  • 1/3 yard each of two more fabrics for triangles (one light and one medium).
  • 5/8 yard of fabric for binding
  • 4 yards of backing fabric 42″ wide or 1-3/4 yard of wide backing. For ideas on backing for your quilt see “Quilt Backing for Spectacular Quilts”
  • 65″ x 65″ batting
  • Coordinating Thread

Make a quilt that says WOW! Show me your creation – leave me a comment and don’t forget to share!!


Kaleidoscope quilt - Pinterest image

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8 thoughts on “Kaleidoscope Quilt – FREE pattern

    1. Carol,
      I just tested the link and it is working for me? Are you clicking on the big pink “Get Pattern Here” link. Is your computer blocking pop-ups?

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